About Bengal Peerless
An Overview
Problem of Housing for common people is as acute as other problems like food and cloth being faced by the country since independence. The importance of proper settlement of people of different sections of the society has been fully acknowledged by the Government of India in its National Housing Policy declared in May, 1992. In this policy it has been declared that Government can not alone solve such a vast problem and it needs the private participation also in solving the acute housing problem of the Country.
The Government of West Bengal in an effort to combat the problem of Housing formed Joint Sector Companies with West Bengal Housing Board and Private Entrepreneurs. Thus, Bengal Peerless Housing Development Company Limited was formed in 1994 with West Bengal Housing Board and The Peerless General Finance and Investment Company Limited, both having 49.5% Equity participation.
Our Commitment
Bengal Peerless endeavors to provide more to the people while demanding the very least. We believe in the individuals right to grow and prosper in a hospitable living environment. Hence, we offer space, which is affordable as well as completely secured. A space where a little bit of imagination and care goes a long way in creating what one would call not merely a house, but a home. Architectural details are given great consideration, so as not to disturb the serene beauty of the natural landscape.
Since its inception in April 1994, Bengal Peerless has successfully built about 5000 numbers of dwelling units for people of all sections of the society. The Company is planning construction of further 3000 dwelling units over a period of next four years.
During the tenure of last 16 years, the Company has completed Projects valued over Rs.1000 Crore. Commencing with a meager capital of Rs.20 lac in 1994, the present net worth of the Company is over Rs.50 crore, achieved through consistent growth pattern.